Welcome to NPG’s Website
Welcome to the newly updated Norwegian Pilot Group Website.
We have updated everything and have included more information in our public area. In addition we will be publishing regular news updates and the website will also serve as a central point for Press Releases and other media information. You can also find all of our contact information here.
For members, the website will act as a central information and communications hub allowing us increased ease, speed and effectiveness. To be a member of the NPG you need to be a pilot flying for Norwegian and be a member of one of our member National Pilot Associations. Currently our members associations are; Norwegian Pilot Union (NPU), Norwegian Pilot Union Finland (NPU.F), British Air Line Pilots Association (BALPA) and Syndicato Español de Pilotos de Lineas Aéreas (SEPLA).
The NPG team hope that you find the new features useful!